Step TwoStep ThreeStep FourStep FiveStep Six


Evaluate Your Export Potential

First analyze your company's possible competitive advantages abroad and then decide if you have the financial resources to support exporting.

Analyze the pros and cons of market expansion:

Identify success factors within your domestic market and determine if the same factors, such as price or brand image, can be replicated in foreign markets. Explore expansion possibilities in the domestic market, whether or not to expand at all, or innovating new products for the domestic market.

Research your competitive advantages abroad:

Compare the product or service advantages and disadvantages with those of likely competitors. Some questions you should ask yourself in determining these advantages and disadvantages include: Can we sell the product abroad without changing its form or the manner in which it is marketed? Can we sell the same product but for a different use? Will we have to change product to make it export worthy? Should we develop a new product for targeted foreign markets?

Determine your financial resources:

Once competitive advantages and the pros and cons of market expansion are determined, determine financial resources to support exporting.


5globe.jpg Trade Information Center

Purpose:1st stop information about federal export programs & country/regional market information.
Content:Frequently asked Q & A, current events, export programs guide, "how-to" information and software, general export info, export assistance by email, financial information, trade promotion events, foreign tariff, taxes & customs information, country/regional market info.
Site Strengths: The frequently asked Q & A section provides a detailed outline that includes important information for beginning exporters. The site is clear and lists many relevant links for small businesses.
Ease of use: good - site provides quick access.
Operated by: Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
Cost: Free

4globe.jpg Title: GLOBUS and NTDB

Purpose: To provide market information.
Content: UN Trade Leads: Contains current and historical information regarding the demand for specific goods and services in a country, including contact information. Searches can be conducted by date or title. Industry Sector Analysis Reports: Contains descriptions of potential market opportunities categorized by country and industry. The site provides a link to the International Trade Library.
Site Strengths: The information is easily accessible and lists interesting trade opportunities.
Ease of Use: Fast, layout is clear.
Operated by: The National Trade Data Bank (US Department of Commerce).
Cost: Free

5globe.jpg Tradeport

Purpose: Provides background information on many aspects of exporting.
Content: How to guide to get started in exporting, including:A basic guide to exporting provided by the Chamber of Commerce to locate companies specializing in finance. Recommended reading with a link to Glossary of terms. Schedules of trade events.
Why is it Good? The information within the site is straightforward. There are numerous external links to obtain more detailed information. Also, the site is filled with eye catching graphics, animation, and pictured icons.
Ease of Use: Great - Site provides categories broken down in small steps.
Who runs it? Bay Area Economic Forum and LA Trade
Cost: Free

4globe.jpg export

Purpose: Provides export information especially valuable to small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Content: Country reviews, industry surveys, communications services info, trade shows search engine, UPS shipping info, global business directory listings for small business networking via ExporTel.
Site strengths? The Country Review section is an excellent source for market research. Reports provide valuable information on over 80 countries in trade, investment, and risk assessment. Reports are compiled from more than 150 credible sources, like the U.S Department of Commerce and the Federal Trade Commission, and are updated on a regular basis.
Ease of Use: Good - Organized and easy to read. Provides quick and easy access to export topics, with the exception of the Trade Statistics section, which is currently unavailable.
Operated By: International Strategies, Inc., Boston, MA Sponsors include AT&T, United Parcel Service, and American Express Co.
Cost: Mostly free! Registration is required to access reports and data. Reports are free to read. To print, however, a $35 fee is assessed to setup a print account for up to 10 reports. Purchase additional reports in groups of 10 at a cost $25 thereafter.

3globe.jpg World Trade Center Institute

Purpose: The World Trade Center Institute is a source of broad information and education about international business in the Mid-Atlantic region and abroad.
Content: Information on WTCI; international business events and seminars; international import/export news in the form of links to specific articles.
Site Strengths: Contains useful information on current international business events..
Ease of Use: Layout confusing because there is so much information.
Operated By: WTCI headquarters in Baltimore, MD.
Cost: Free. Membership encouraged.


Article Small Business Development Center

The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) is wise stop for any small businessperson interested in exporting. Their goal is to help you lay out a strategy to meet your business needs. Basic services are FREE!!!

An Interview with Professor Mike Giambattista

Professor Mike Giambattista shares his professional international business experience and recommendations for exporters seeking to start or increase their efforts.

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