


Marketing Tips

Business Culture



  • Always maintain a polite and formal reserve until your German colleague indicates for what appears to be a more casual relationship.
  • Appointments are essential and should be scheduled in advance, particularly in the morning.
  • Handshaking is extremely important and taken seriously in German culture.
  • Do not be offended by what appears to be a terse greeting or abrupt farewell.
  • Do not point your finger at your head and make a screwing motion. Major insult in Germany.

Legal Environment:

Germany is a civil law country with a legal system very similar to other Western European countries.


Working with Export Partners in the European Union

Despite European unification, doing business in Europe can be trickier for U.S. exporters than in pre-EU times. Cultural and legal differences are potential pitfalls, and choosing the right agent or distributor for your product can also be difficult.